Day 22: City girls (Weiser to Boise)
I woke up with the sun after waking up all night with the wind too. Ron was already up, warming sausage and hash browns in the kitchen. We boiled water for coffee, and Josh helped me crack eggs straight from the coop to complete the meal. The egg shells were tan, pink, green and speckled. Aaron, the youngest, liked Taco Bell mild sauce on his breakfast.
We thought we were just going to head out and meet Becca on the road, but we ended up staying at the orchard all morning. Ron, Kimmy and Aaron gave us a tour of their trees. The apple trees tended to have four big branches spindling upward with thin branches that looked like vines kept close to their mother trunk. They're putting in new pears too, and new peaches, I think. I might be wrong. Aaron held tightly to a clump of dirt he found at the beginning.
We ended up buying five bags of apple chips from their stores -- if you're ever in Idaho, go visit. Find their apples. Eat as many as you can stomach. Ah their food was good. Kimmy let us take some raspberry plum jam with us too.
Rachel drinks a pint of their darkest; we're all shocked
We were eating apples and peanut butter for lunch when Becca showed up. The bikes and bags mostly fit in the car, though sitting in the back was a squeeze. We drove to Boise so she could pick up some necessities from REI, the she dropped us off at 10 Barrel Brewing in downtown. A couple asked us about our bikes, then a guy from Seattle struck up a conversation and his buddy in a Taco Bell Arena joined later. Everyone - everyone - in the brewery was white. I know we're in Idaho but it made me feel lucky, spoiled even, to have come from Sunnyvale and the ethnic diversity there's still pretty limited. But the beer was good.
Hi mom
My mom's friend Neal kindly took us in last minute. He made the best Mexican food I've had outside of California. Beans, tamales, salsa, requires. Guacamole! He's got a full blown tiki bar in the backyard with maybe 50 hats all pinned up in neat rows and the Giants playing on TV. Shannon was great too. She told us stories about being BB King's nurse for a summer, and about caring for some of the more rural patients around Boise.
Local automotive shop taking a hard look at our education system
Also mom sent five bars of chocolate with the package of stuff I asked her to ship, so it was a good and comfortable night.